Temulawak medicinal plants is a form of plant clumps trunked pseud. In the area of West Java temulawak called koneng gede while in a meeting called Madura radish. Area Indo-Malaysia is the place from which temulawak this spread to all over the world. When This is in addition to plants in Southeast Asia can be found also in China, Indochina, Bardabos, India, Japan, Korea, the United States and some countries Europe.
In Indonesia, the only part that is used rimpang temulawak godog herbal medicine to be made. Rimpang This 48-59,64% starch, 1,6-2,2% 1,48-1,63% kurkumin and oil asiri and trusted can improve the workplace and anti-kidney inflamasi. Another benefit of rimpang this plant is as pimple medication, increasing the appetite eating, anti cholesterol, anti inflamasi, anemia, anti oksidan, cancer prevention, and anti-microbe.
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